Fluke 787 Process Meter
The Fluke 787 ProcessMeter puts a complete troubleshooting solution in the palm of your hand. Get in touch with more information, faster and easier with the newest member of the Fluke 80 Series, the 787 ProcessMeter. The 787 gives you the measurement capabilities you expect from our rugged, reliable DMMs plus the ability to source, simulate, or measure dc current with 1 microamp resolution and accuracy of 0.05%. Put it all together and you have the ideal tool for troubleshooting and calibrating current loop applications. So if you’re tired of always tracking down a calibrator, lugging around two tools and switching back and forth, get the single best solution for doubling your power.
- DMM and loop calibrator in one tool
- Clear LCD with backlight; 4,000 counts (30,000 counts for dc current)
- Externally accessible battery for easy battery changes.
- 1000V overload protection on V, ohms, frequency.
- 150V overload protection on mA, backed up by 440 mA 1000V fuse.
- 25% Manual Step plus Auto Step and Auto Ramp on mA output.
What’s included:
- AC70A Alligator Clips
- C81Y Protective Yellow Holster with Flex-StandT
- One 9V alkaline battery
- Quick Reference Guide
- TL75 Safety-Designed Test lead Set
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