Martindale EZ365 Socket, Earth Loop & RCD Tester
The Martindale EZ365 Socket, Earth Loop & RCD Tester is your go-to tool for ensuring electrical safety and accuracy. Capable of detecting 28 socket wiring faults and checking mains voltage levels, it performs a non-trip earth loop test to verify the integrity of your earth wiring, displaying values across six discrete ranges from less than 1.7Ω to 500Ω. This advanced socket tester is recognised by the Health and Safety Executive, making it a reliable choice for engineers and technicians.
Equipped with red LEDs corresponding to neutral, earth, and live connections, the EZ365 quickly identifies socket polarity and earth wiring faults. An audible alarm alerts users to any fault conditions, enhancing safety. A touchpad on the front activates the L-NE cross polarity test, helping detect serious fault conditions often missed by standard testers.
The EZ365 also performs trip tests on 30mA RCDs, ensuring these critical safety devices function correctly. Its robust design makes it easy to remove from sockets, and its CAT II 300V safety rating ensures safe operation. With its comprehensive features, the Martindale EZ365 is an essential tool for checking and ensuring the safety of socket earthing before servicing or installing mains-powered electrical and gas appliances.