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Light & Lux Meters
Light meters are devices used to measure light pollution. They are primarily used in photography and cinematography as well as scenic design, providing accurate readings of the amount of light present within an environment. Light meters also have applications in food production, where crops, vegetables and fruit are grown. Over or under-exposure to light can affect the growth of plants; a light meter can be used to ensure an optimal growing environment.
Light meters are used to measure artificial light and the effects of light pollution. They can be used to determine dangerous levels of light near airports, for example, or to ensure a comfortable working environment.
Light meters come with either lux- or footcandle-measuring capabilities, or both. Lux light meters provide an overall measure of light in an area per square metre; footcandle light meters measure illuminance or intensity of light.
Test4Less, a leading provider of light measuring equipment, offers high-quality products from leading manufacturers such as Extech and Amprobe. Many of our light meters have additional features and useful extensions.
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